Childcare in Renfrewshire Information Service
CRIS provides free, impartial, accurate and up to date information on a wide range of local childcare and pre-school education services including: childminders, nurseries, pre-school education, out of school care, holiday play schemes, playgroups and parent & toddler groups. CRIS also provides information on local holiday & leisure activities, other relevant agencies and services.
Clean Renfrewshire aim to make the area a cleaner place for people to work in, play in and visit. The campaign sets out how we can all do our bit to tackle environmental problems like litter, graffiti, fly-tipping and dog fouling.
Part of Renfrewshire Council’s website, with this section you can find out how to get involved in Renfrewshire's communities and how to access services which can help you live your life in Renfrewshire.
The Councils for Voluntary Service Network consists of independent organisations that provide a range of development and support services to the voluntary sector in
Investors in People provide straightforward, proven frameworks for delivering business improvement through people.
Lloyds TSB Foundation for
A grant making trust distributing in excess of £7 million each year to recognised charities throughout
This site offers a vast range of news and information about Paisley, from local history and upcoming events to famous citizens, photo gallaries and a lot more.
Renfrewshire Council is committed to providing excellent services to the people of Renfrewshire.
This is a funding and support website for voluntary and community organisations in the Renfrewshire area.
Renfrewshire, Inverclyde and East Renfrewshire Social
RIERSEP is a partnership of support agencies and social enterprises across Renfrewshire that aims to help the local social economy sector grow and develop.
Renfrewshire Leisure provides a wide range of sports and leisure programmes and activities at nine leisure centres located throughout Renfrewshire.
The St. Petersburg Forum promotes links on a charitable, educational, artistic and cultural basis between groups in
Williamsburgh Housing Association
Williamsburgh Housing Association provides quality, affordable, rented housing. They’re acknowledged as a significant player in Renfrewshire's strategy to tackle poor housing conditions and provide for those in housing need.